Split An Atom Named Top UK Agency… Again

Split An Atom Named Top UK Agency… Again 1

There’s nothing like an early win to kick off a successful year – and that’s exactly what we’ve got at Split An Atom. Following our 2017 efforts to expand our agency, provide new services, continue our successful business relationships with our clients, we entered 2018 a lot of ambition. Luckily, we’re starting the year with a new achievement – a place on Clutch’s 2018 UK Leaders List. We were named as one of the Top Public Relations Firms, Top Advertising Agencies, Top Video Production Agencies, and Top Content Marketing Agencies in the UK.

Clutch is a ratings and reviews firm based in Washington, DC. Their reviews platform analyzes marketing, creative, and development firms across the globe to help buyers make smart purchasing and partnering decisions. With over 500 research segments and 7,000 agencies on the site, Clutch’s unique research methodology works to keep up with the changing standards of excellence among B2B service providers.

It’s not only Clutch’s research methodology that’s been keeping tabs on Split an Atom, though. The firm also depends on client reviews to mark the growth of the service providers listed on their site. As we’ve continued to grow, we’ve heard from our clients about what they see in our agency. Here are some of the things our clients have highlighted about our work on our Clutch profile:

  • Stellar project management
  • A hands-on team
  • A strategic approach to our work
  • Extensive and current technological knowledge
  • Our unique approach to every client’s goals

A member of Clutch’s team shared her thoughts on Split An Atom after conducting our client reviews. “It’s always a pleasure when we can see the growth of the agencies we work with,” said Clutch analyst Kimmie Champlin. “Since beginning to work with Split An Atom, I’ve had the opportunity to hear from their clients, see their team expand, and watch them introduce new offerings. I’m proud to work with a technically successful and well-liked agency like Split An Atom.”

We’re so thrilled to be named among Clutch’s top advertising agencies once again, and we can’t wait to see what will follow this early win in 2018! Clutch has also named Split An Atom as one of the top content marketing agencies, a top public relations firm, and a top video production agency.

Without the hard work of our team, this wouldn’t be possible, so I would like to extend a big thank you to everybody for their ongoing efforts at Split An Atom.

If you’d like to read the full text of our client reviews on Clutch, take a look at the Split An Atom profile.

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