7 Benefits of Marketing as an Eco-friendly Business

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Running an eco-friendly business has the potential to increase customer numbers, strengthen brand loyalty and boost those all-important profits. From checking your packaging for recycled materials to checking how you generate your electricity, modern businesses are under the microscope like never before.

Many consumers are even willing to pay a higher price for products if they know they were made from sustainable materials and through eco-friendly processes; businesses which openly market their eco-friendly activities have a distinct advantage over the competition.

Of course, the main motivation behind going green is playing your part in saving our planet, but what other benefits can an eco-friendly business enjoy?

What is an Eco-friendly Business?

Before you can market as an eco-friendly business, you must ‘walk the walk.’ Here are some of the key statements you as an eco-friendly business can make:

  • Your services and/or products are free of toxic materials
  • Your products are reusable over the long-term
  • Your manufacturing processes follow environmentally-friendly guidelines
  • Your products are made from recycled/recyclable materials
  • Your packaging is made from recycled materials, biodegradable or can be recycled
  • Any unavoidable non-green processes or non-recyclable waste materials are kept to a minimum
  • You use recycled materials in your offices and marketing activities and use paperless communication as much as possible
  • You generate your own power through renewable technology
  • You recycle paper, cardboard and soft plastics and send as little as possible to landfill.

Benefits of Marketing as an Eco-friendly Business

  1. Increasing Profits with a Positive Brand Image

Several economic studies have found that companies utilizing eco-friendly practices and incorporating recyclable materials in their products and packaging see an increase in profits. Customers are more likely to view a company which prioritizes the environment in a positive light and may be more likely to buy as a result. If you are using recycled materials in your packaging be sure to promote this on each item to attract environmentally conscious customers.

  1. Establishing New Business Partnerships

Some businesses and government agencies will not buy from other businesses unless they can demonstrate certain eco-friendly standards. Going green could open business opportunities with new partners which your competitors aren’t able to access.

  1. Creating PR Opportunities

By being open about your company’s green activities and shouting about big achievements you can create PR opportunities which raise the profile of your business with both prospective customers and business partners. Social media platforms are great places to post photos and videos to show what you’re doing and rather than just saying it with words.

  1. Giving Back to Your Community

An eco-friendly business can often make a bigger impact on your local community’s environment than you think. Use your influence to organize and support events or campaigns which promote sustainability. You could donate to a local environmental charity or give your employees a couple of days of paid leave to volunteer in the local area. These ideas are not only great ways to give back, but also present potential PR opportunities.

  1. Reduced Operational Costs

Companies of any size can reduce energy consumption by simply turning off lights and computers when they’re not in use which will reduce energy bills and minimizing printing will save on paper, toner and ink. If your employees have company cars you may want to consider electric or hybrid vehicles to cut fuel costs.

Automating the processing of your recycling with a baler machine can also save you both time, money and space as it quickly crushes cardboard and other materials into compact bales. Bound with baling wire, these bales can be stored neatly and transported to a recycling center easily. Take a look at www.balingwiredirect.com for more information on the types of baling wire available.

  1. Employing a Motivated & Healthier Workforce

Marketing as an eco-friendly business is not only attractive to customers, it can also draw in highly motivated and conscientious employees. A company’s environmental values are very important to many potential candidates so promoting your involvement in the local community and your commitment to green processes can be a big advantage.

According to the Green Business Bureau, 96% of employees report that their company’s sustainability programme helps to improve their relationship with their employer and 79% of candidates look for companies with an environmental policy.

  1. Environmental Tax Incentives

There some great environmental tax incentives for businesses which invest in energy-efficient and renewable technology for your business and can show that they’re wasting as little as possible. For example, you could add solar panels to heat or cool your premises and could receive tax credits for wind energy and geothermal heat pumps.

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